Health Benefits Of Jamaican Cherry And Its Leaves

Jamaican Cherries for Health

I finally found out that Jamaican cherry tree has several health benefits.Its leaves and fruit both can cure you of uric acid pain and other such health problems as a stomach cramp, headaches, and cold.

The leaves of Jamaican cherry can also be boiled or dried to be used as tea.Cherries when ripe taste sweet and are eaten by children in Indonesia.I think in almost Indonesian neighborhoods, Jamaican cherry trees are found in abundance.They just grow by themselves in the parks or at the side of the roads.I have a few Jamaican cherry trees in my yard.

One of them is big enough but does not yet have fruits.

In addition to Jamaican cherry fruits and leaves having health benefits, the tree has shady branches that are comfortable enough for anyone who takes a shelter to avoid warm direct sunlight.Actually, that is my reason for allowing Jamaican cherry trees to grow in my yard.

According to Naturia and Wikipedia as mentioned above flowers, cherries, and leaves of the Jamaican cherry trees can relieve you of uric acid pain, headaches and cold.As soon as I read the article, I cut off a few stalks of Jamaican cherry tree and boiled some of the leaves.I boiled the leaves in 3 three glasses of water and waited till the water remained one glass.The boiled yellowish water tastes rather bitter though not as bitter as leaves of papaya.

I guess all my neighbors are not aware that Jamaican cherry trees have some health benefits mentioned above.When I told one of them about it, they just looked at me in bewilderment.They let the trees grow simply because the tree has drooping branches like an umbrella that are suitable as a shady shelter and children love climbing up the tree to pluck sweet ripe Jamaican cherries.

In other cities, perhaps, Jamaican cherries are sold from cherry plantations.I wish Indonesia would follow India in terms of treating Jamaican trees to be of more value.Multi-lane streets in India have Jamaican trees as medians or rather as shades or ornaments.Jamaican trees are also said to be drought-resistance.In other words, they grow in all weather conditions.

I notice some luxurious houses have Jamaican cherry trees just outside the front yard so that a car or another vehicle can park under the tree.So, all in all, Jamaican cherry trees are not all to be sneezed at.



Article Written by mandini alya

I am a mother of 2 children. I love writing in English, which explains why I have decided to write as many articles as I can.

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